Your seminar in Seminar Hotel Steinschalerhof
Additional modules
There is a lot of additional modules you can book for your seminar in the Steinschalerhof,
either as elements or full programs. These serve as entertaining additions for the loosening
up of your seminar schedule in the evening, or whenever you think it should be appropriate. Some
of these modules are organized in cooperation with associations and service providers from the
Pielach valley.
Please feel free to inquire after our further offers or, better yet: let us know what you
need - as a family enterprise we can be quite flexible!
Some of mentioned modules are offered in the Steinschalerhof and some in the Steinschaler Doerfl.
Green Seminars
Green Seminars and "Green Incentives" are events with a specific focus on sustainability.
This does not mean an aspiration to be totally frugal, only that the seminar schedule, including
travel and accomodation options are oriented and organized around sustainable criteria, without
of course undue losses in comfort or quality.
Thus, by organizing a "Green Seminar" you do not lose anything, but you can have a clear
conscience to have acted sustainably and in a trendsetting manner.
The Austrian Eco-label has devised a directive for sustainable seminars, or so called
"Green Meetings". Since September 2010 we at the Steinschaler Nature Hotels are the first
hotel in Austria with this label, the Eco-label 62.
With us, you can have your event organized and certified in this manner, without incurring
any additional costs. Please ask us for details if interested!